CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Cooperative multi agent systems: distributed computation, estimation and control

seminar: Synchronous robotic networks: models, tasks, and complexity

speaker: Jorge Cortes (University of California at San Diego)

abstract: This talk presents a formal model for groups of robotic agents that can process information, communicate, and move. Building on concepts from distributed algorithms, computational geometry, robotics and control theory, we define notions of robotic network, control and communication law, coordination task, and time, communication, and space complexity. To illustrate these notions, we introduce the agree and pursue law, which combines ideas from leader election algorithms and cyclic pursuit. We compute the proposed complexity measures required by the agree and pursue law to steer a group of robots to a uniformly-spaced rotating configuration.

Mon 3 Dec, 11:00 - 12:30, Aula Dini

Synchronous robotic networks

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