CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Solid State Quantum Information

Quantum statistics of photon associated with coherent electron shot noise

speaker: D. Christian Glattli (CEA Saclay)

abstract: The statistics of photon emitted by conductors is a new field which may have implication in quantum information. Here we adress the question: what is the statistics of photon emitted by a noisy quantum conductor in an external circuit? Recent predictions have pointed that for Quantum point contact (QPC) it may be non-classical, the quiet emission of photon being related to the sub-Poisonian statistics of electrons in a conductor. Observation of such statistics is an experimental challenge. Here, we present the first two steps toward non-classical photon observation. Step 1 was the measurement of the quantum electron shot noise in a Quantum Point Contact at frequency up to eVh. The second step 2 is the measurement of the statistics of photon emitted by a tunnel junction up to frequency eVh. Finally we will describe the experimental approach planned to detected the sub poissonian photons in a QPC.

Fri 5 Dec, 17:00 - 17:30, Sala Stemmi
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