CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Regularity for Non-Linear PDEs

Extremal Harmonic Mappings and the Nitsche Conjecture on Doubly Connected Minimal Surfaces

speaker: Tedeusz Iwaniec (Syracuse University)

abstract: As long ago as 1962 J.C.C. Nitsche conjectured (in his study of doubly-connected minimal surfaces) that a harmonic homeomorphism between circular annuli exists if and only if the target is not too thin. The explicit condition for the target annulus is now known as the Nitsche bound. His intriguing problem remained open for almost a half of a century. In this lecture I will talk about my recent work with Leonid KOVALEV and Jani ONNINEN in which we gave an affirmative answer to the Nitsche Conjecture

Tue 22 Sep, 11:00 - 12:00, Aula Dini
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