abstract: The main purpose of this presentation is to show that the notions of frames and fusion frames introduced in non-harmonic Fourier analysis are also very natural in discussion of some basic problems in theory of open quantum systems and, in particular, in quantum optics. Frames are collections of vectors in a Hilbert space which assure a natural representation of each vector in the space, but may have infinitely many different representations for any given vector. For a given quantum system represented in a Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$, the question of minimal number $\eta$ of observables $Q1,\ldots,Q{\eta}$, whose expectation values at some instants $t1,\ldots,tp$ determine the statistical state of the system is discussed. We assume that the time evolution of the system in question is governed by a semigroup of linear transformations with generator $\mathbb{L}$