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IQIS2009: Italian Quantum Information Science Conference 2009

Optimal tuning of solid state quantum gates: a i-SWAP12 gate

speaker: Elisabetta Paladino (Matis CNR-INFM & DMFCI University of Catania)

abstract: We present a general route to reduce inhomogeneous broadening in nanodevices due to $1f$ noise. We apply this method to a universal two-qubit gate and demonstrate that for selected optimal couplings, a high-efficient gate can be implemented even in the presence of $1f$ noise. Entanglement degradation due to interplay of $1f$ and quantum noise is quantified via the concurrence. A charge-phase $\sqrt{{\rm i-SWAP}}$ gate for spectra extrapolated from single qubit experiments is analysed.

Sat 7 Nov, 17:00 - 17:30, Aula Bianchi Scienze
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