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IQIS2009: Italian Quantum Information Science Conference 2009

Quantum information processing by exploiting the orbital angular momentum of photons

speaker: Fabio Sciarrino (Sapienza Università di Roma)

abstract: The orbital angular momentum (OAM) of light, associated with a helical structure of the wavefunction, has a great potential for quantum photonics, as it allows attaching a higher dimensional quantum space to each photon. Unlikespin angular momentum, however, OAM is yet to be widely exploited in the quantum information field, owing to its difficult manipulation. By exploiting the recently demonstrated spin-OAM information transfer tools, we report the first observation of the Hong-Ou-Mandel coalescence of two incoming photons having nonzero OAM into the same outgoingmode of a beam-splitter. Such effect has been then exploited to carry out the 1 2 universal optimal quantum cloning of OAM-encoded qubits, using the symmetrization technique already developed for polarization. These results are finally shown to be scalable to quantum spaces of arbitrary dimension, even combining different degrees of freedom of the photons.

Sun 8 Nov, 11:00 - 11:30, Aula Bianchi Scienze
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