CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Workshop on "Combinatorial and geometric aspects of Hyperplane Arrangements" May 24th through 26th

MAY WORKSHOP: Geometric Combinatorics of Weyl Groupoids

speaker: Volkmar Welker (Philipps-Universität Marburg)

abstract: We study geometric objects associated to (finite) Weyl groupoids. Weyl groupoids arose from the work of V. Kac in his work on Lie superalgebras and independently in the study of Nichols algebras. Weyl groupoids include the classical (finite) Weyl groups as an important but very special case. We are interested in the weak order, the Coxeter complex and the hyperplane arrangement associated to a Weyl groupoid. For Weyl groups or more generally Coxeter groups it is known that all these objects exhibit very nice behavior. We show which properties extend from the classical to the Weyl groupoid case and give examples when the extension fails. This is joint work with I. Heckenberger

Mon 24 May, 16:15 - 17:15, Aula Dini
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