CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Configuration Spaces: Geometry, Combinatorics and Topology

seminar: WEEKLY SEMINAR: On the KO-theory of toric spaces

speaker: Anthony Bahri (Rider University, Lawrenceville, NJ, USA)

abstract: Central in toric geometry and topology are several important spaces which include moment-angle complexes, the Davis-Januszkiewicz space and toric manifolds. In any complex-oriented cohomology theory, the cohomology rings of many of these spaces have elegant descriptions in terms of the underlying combinatorics. For KO-theory however the situation is more complex. Even so, a surprising amount of the structure does survive from the complex-oriented case. A report of recent joint work with:Luis Astey, Martin Bendersky, Fred Cohen, Don Davis, Sam Gitler, Mark Mahowald, Nigel Ray and Reg Wood.

Wed 9 Jun, 16:00 - 17:00, Aula Dini
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