CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Workshop on "Algebra and Geometry of Configuration Spaces and related structures" June 21th through 25th

Cohomology of real Coxeter toric varieties

speaker: Anthony Henderson (University of Sydney)

abstract: There are several important classes of varieties X for which the (co)homology of the space of complex points X(ℂ) has some combinatorial or algebraic significance. Examples include toric varieties, complements of subspace arrangements, and moduli spaces of curves. As a general rule, it is harder to make such statements about the (co)homology of the space of real points X(ℝ), unless one takes coefficients in ℤ2ℤ. A notable exception to this rule is the result of Etingof–Henriques–Kamnitzer–Rains on the rational cohomology of the real points of the moduli space of stable genus 0 curves with marked points. In this talk I will discuss this general context, and report on a project to describe the rational cohomology of X(ℝ) where X is the toric variety associated to the Coxeter fan of a Weyl group. This is joint work with Gus Lehrer.

Thu 24 Jun, 14:45 - 15:45, Aula Dini


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