CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Sistemi dinamici nonlineari e applicazioni

Asymptotic Stability of Attitude-Orbit Resonance for the Dynamics of a Viscoelastic Satellite

speaker: Emanuele Haus (Università di Napoli)

abstract: We prove the asymptotic stability of 1:1 attitude-orbit resonance for a stiff viscoelastic rotationally invariant satellite. Very general assumptions are done about the internal structure of the satellite. Moreover, we do not assume any dissipation on the orbital degrees of freedom and we prove that anyway they relax to those of a circular orbit, due to the friction acting on the internal degrees of freedom of the satellite. Technically the result is obtained by using the principal moments of inertia as coordinates in the space of elastic configurations and by proving the asymptotic stability through LaSalle's principle, using the energy as a Lyapunov function.

Sat 19 Feb, 11:30 - 12:00, Aula Bianchi Scienze
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