CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Geometric Topology of Knots

Klein bottles and Dehn fillings

speaker: Nabil Sayari (University of Moncton)

abstract: Let \(M\) be the exterior of a hyperbolic link \(K \cup L\) in a homology 3-sphere \(Y\) , such that the linking number \(\textrm{lk}(K,L) \neq 0\). Denote by \(M(r)\) the 3-manifold obtained by \(r\)-Dehn filling along \(K\), and \(g\) the genus of the knot \(L\). In this talk we show that if \(M(r)\) contains a Klein bottle, then there is an upper bound on \(\Delta(1/0,r)\)) which depends on \(\textrm{lk}(K,L) \neq 0\) and \(g\).

Thu 26 May, 17:30 - 18:00, Aula Dini
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