CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Harmonic Analysis

Lp boundedness of the Bergman projection on a worm domain

speaker: Marco Maria Peloso (Università di Milano)

abstract: (This is joint work with Steven Krantz.) In this seminar I will consider a non-smooth, unbounded version of the Deiderich-Fornaess worm domain, D\beta. It is known that on such domains the Bergman projection does not preserve the Sobolev space Wk, when k is larger than a certain k0 depeding on the winding of the domain. I will indicate how to compute the asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernelon D\beta. Having such an expansion, it is possible to determine the exact range of p's for which the Bergman projection is a bounded operator on the Lebesgue space Lp(D\beta).

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