CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Quantum simulations and quantum walks

poster: Decoupling Quantum Walks, models of the Klein-Gordon and wave equations

speaker: Stefano Facchini (LIG, Université Joseph Fourier, Grenoble, France)

abstract: Decoupling a vectorial PDE consists in solving the system for each component, thereby obtaining scalar PDEs that prescribe the evolution of each component independently. We present a general approach to decoupling of Quantum Walks, again defined as a procedure to obtain an evolution law for each scalar component of the QW, in such a way that it does not depend on the other components. In particular, the method is applied to show the relation between the Dirac (or Weyl) Quantum Walk in three space dimensions with (or without) mass term, and the Klein-Gordon (or wave) equation.

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