CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Seminar of the session "Algebraic topology, geometric and combinatorial group theory"

seminar: $V$-systems

speaker: Misha Feigin (University of Glasgow)

abstract: $V$-systems are special finite collections of vectors. They were introduced by Veselov in 1999 in the study of special solutions of Witten-Dijkgraaf-Verlinde-Verlinde equations, and they have natural geometrical definitions. The class of V-systems has nice properties of being closed under taking subsystems and under taking projections to the intersections of the corresponding hyperplanes. Various examples are known which include Coxeter root systems but there is no classification. After reviewing this information I also plan to discuss a more recent study of a subclass of harmonic $V$-systems. The talk is based on joint works with A. Veselov.

Mon 16 Feb, 9:40 - 10:40, Aula Dini
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