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Renormalization in Dynamics - Pisa 2016

Topological substitutions and Rauzy fractals

speaker: Arnaud Hilion (AMU - Aix-Marseille Université)

abstract: To the Tribonacci substitution (an irreducible substitution with a unitary Pisot dilatation), three different aperiodic tilings of the plane can be associated. The tiles of the first one are fractals (indeed, Rauzy fractals). The second one is obtained from a stepped plane according to a construction of "dual substitutions" due to Arnoux and Ito. The third one is the geometric realisation of a 2-complex generated by a topological substitution. We compare these three tilings. This is a joint work with Nicolas BĂ©daride and Timo Jolivet

Mon 4 Apr, 16:15 - 17:00, Aula Dini
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