CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Renormalization in Dynamics - Pisa 2016

Renormalization and Sturmian colorings on regular trees

speaker: Dong Han Kim (Dongguk University)

abstract: In this talk, we introduce Sturrnian colorings of regular trees, which are colorings of minimal unbounded factor complexity. by the factor complexity. Then, we classify Sturmian colorings into two families, namely cyclic and acyclic ones. We characterize acyclic Sturmian colorings in a way analogous to continued faction algorithm of Sturmian words. As for cyclic Sturmian colorings, we show that the coloring is a countable union of a periodic coloring, possibly union with a regular subtree colored with one color. This is joint work with Seonhee Lim.

Fri 8 Apr, 11:30 - 12:15, Aula Dini
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