CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Nilpotent Orbits and Representation Theory

Nilpotent subspaces and nilpotent orbits (a joint work with O.Yakimova)

speaker: Dmitry Panyushev (Independent University of Moscow)

abstract: Let $G$ be a semisimple algebraic group with Lie algebra $\mathfrak g$ and a Borel subgroup $B$. For a nilpotent $G$-orbit $\mathcal O\subset\mathfrak g$, let $d\mathcal O$ denote the maximal dimension of a subspace $V\subset \mathfrak g$ that is contained in the closure of $\mathcal O$. We prove that $d\mathcal O \le \frac{1}{2}\dim\mathcal O$ and this upper bound is attained if and only if $\mathcal O$ is a Richardson orbit. Furthermore, if $V$ is $B$-stable and $\dim V= \frac{1}{2}\dim\mathcal O$, then $V$ is the nilradical of a polarisation of $\mathcal O$. Every nilpotent orbit closure has a distinguished $B$-stable subspace constructed via an $\mathfrak{sl}2$-triple, which is called the {\it Dynkin ideal}. We then characterise the nilpotent orbits $\mathcal O$ such that the Dynkin ideal {\bf (1)} has the minimal dimension among all $B$-stable subspaces $\mathfrak c$ such that $\mathfrak c\cap\mathcal O$ is dense in $\mathfrak c$, or {\bf (2)} is the only $B$-stable subspace $\mathfrak c$ such that $\mathfrak c\cap\mathcal O$ is dense in $\mathfrak c$.

Wed 15 Jun, 14:30 - 15:45, Aula Bianchi Scienze
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