CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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A Mathematical Tribute to Ennio De Giorgi

Worst-case shape optimization problems for the Dirichlet energy

speaker: Giuseppe Buttazzo (Università di Pisa)

abstract: We consider the optimization problem for a shape cost functional F (Ω, f ) which depends on a domain Ω varying in a suitable admissible class and on a “right-hand side” f . More precisely, the cost functional F is given by an integral which involves the solution u of an elliptic PDE in Ω with right-hand side f ; the boundary conditions considered are of the Dirichlet type. When the function f is only known up to some degree of uncertainty, our goal is to obtain the existence of an optimal shape in the worst possible situation. Some numerical simulations are provided, showing the difference in the optimal shape between the case when f is perfectly known and the case when only the worst situation is optimized.

Mon 19 Sep, 16:40 - 17:35, Palazzo dei Congressi
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