CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Differential Geometry and Topology

course: Variations on the theme "slicing a convex body" and the big conjecture for convex bodies

speaker: Marcel Berger (CNRS)

abstract: Convex bodies are very simple and natural mathematical objects. However, the answers to some simple 3-dimensional questions concerning the relationship between the area of various plane sections and the total volume of the body have been surprisingly hard to prove, and have been obtained only quite recently.

When one is interested in large dimensions, the asymptotic behavior of the relations between the total volume and the size (small or large volume) of the hyperplane sections is still partly conjectural, and comes in at least five equivalent but different formulations.

Note for the audience: This is not a lecture for convex body experts. On the contrary, you need know little to understand the natural problems and results. But a love for geometry will help, as will familiarity with ellipsoids, cubes and parallelipipeds (at least in dimension 3!)

Tue 12 Oct, 17:00 - 18:15, Aula Mancini
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