CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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From order to chaos - Pisa 2018

Schroedinger operators with quasi-periodic potentials and the Aubry-Mather theory

speaker: Konstantin Khanin (Department of Mathematics, University of Toronto)

abstract: Schroedinger operators with quasi-periodic potentials were intensively studied in the last few decades. Their spectral properties depend on the value of the coefficient in front of the potential, so called coupling constant. For small values of the coupling constant the spectrum is absolutely continuous, while for large coupling constants the spectrum is pure point. Natural families of Schroedinger operators with quasi-periodic potentials appear in the context of the Aubry-Mather theory. We shall discuss the transition from the absolutely continuous to the pure point spectrum for such families of Schroedinger operators.

Mon 9 Apr, 14:30 - 15:20, Aula Dini
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