CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Multiscale modeling and simulations to bridge molecular and cellular scales

Cell volume control and osmosis-driven cell movement

speaker: Yoichiro Mori (University of Minnesota)

abstract: Electrolyte and cell volume regulation is essential in physiological systems. Despite its importance, mathematical modeling in this area is relatively sparse. After a brief introduction to cell volume control and electrophysiology, I will discuss the classical pump-leak model of electrolyte and cell volume control. This classical model will then be generalized to a system of partial di erential equations (PDE) modeling cell-level electrodi usive and osmotic phenomena. A simpli ed version of this model will then be applied to study osmosis-driven cell movement. Osmosis-driven and the conventional actin-driven cell movement will be compared theoretically and computationally in terms of its properties, focusing in particular on energy expenditure.

Thu 4 Oct, 16:45 - 18:00, Aula Dini
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