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New developments in the theory of modular forms over function fields

Pellarin L-Series for Drinfeld Modules over Tate Algebras

speaker: Oguz Gezmis (Texas A&M University)

abstract: In 2012, Taelman introduced L-values corresponding to Drinfeld modules. After Taelman's L-values were introduced for Drinfeld modules, Anglès, Pellarin and Tavares Ribeiro developed the theory for the deformation of the Carlitz module C. Later on, Anglès and Tavares Ribeiro extended the theory for Drinfeld A-module of arbitrary rank. In this talk, we analyze Taelman's L-values corresponding to Drinfeld modules over Tate algebras of arbitrary rank and relate them to Pellarin L-series. Using our results, we also introduce an L-series converging in Tate algebras which can be seen as a generalization of Pellarin L-series.

Tue 6 Nov, 16:30 - 17:00, Aula Dini
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