CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Alessio Figalli, Fields medallist 2018

Singularities of solutions of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation. A toy model: distance to a closed subset.

speaker: Albert Fathi (Georgia Institute of Technology)

abstract: This is a joint work with Piermarco Cannarsa and Wei Cheng. If H : T M → R is a Tonelli Hamiltonian, i.e. at least C2 convex and superlinear in the momentum, for a large class of viscosity solutions F : M × [0, +∞[→ R of the Hamilton-Jacobi equation
t F + H(x, ∂x F) = 0,
we describe the local structure of the set Sing(F) of points where F is not differentiable. For example it is locally path-connected, and we will also study the homotopy type of Sing(F).
We will give applications in Riemannian geometry.
These studies do cover the case of singularities of the Euclidean distance function dA : Rk → [0, +∞[ to a closed subset A of the Euclidean space Rk. After considering the results in the general case, we will concentrate on the case of dA to explain the methods of proof.

Wed 16 Jan, 9:30 - 10:30, Aula Magna Bruno Pontecorvo


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