CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Recent trends in Geometric analysis and applications

The geometry of constant mean curvature surfaces in Euclidean space

speaker: Giuseppe Tinaglia (King's College)

abstract: In this talk I will begin by reviewing classical geometric properties of constant mean curvature surfaces, $H>0$, in Euclidean space. I will then talk about several more recent results for surfaces embedded in Euclidean space with constant mean curvature, such as curvature and radius estimates for simply-connected surfaces embedded in R3 with constant mean curvature. Finally I will show applications of such estimates including a characterisation of the round sphere as the only simply-connected surface embedded in Euclidean space with constant mean curvature and area estimates for compact surfaces embedded in a flat torus with constant mean curvature and finite genus. This is joint work with Meeks.

Tue 26 Nov, 9:15 - 10:05, Aula Dini


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