CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Optimal Transportation and Applications

The Sharp L−p Spectral Gap Estimate or Improved Lichnerowicz Inequality

speaker: Karl-Theodor Sturm (Universität Bonn)

abstract: We derive a new lower bound for the spectral gap on a nonnegatively curved Riemannian manifold or, more generally, on an RCD(k,N) space with a variable Ricci bound k : X → R+. Our estimate in terms of the L−p norm of k for p = 1−1N improves upon the celebrated Lichnerowicz estimate (1958, case p = ∞) and the estimate of Veysseire (2010, case p = 1). It is based on a generalized Carron-Rose estimate which in turn is derived by means of a self-improved Bakry- E ́mery estimate.

Thu 27 Oct, 9:00 - 9:45, Aula Magna Bruno Pontecorvo
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