CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Recent trends in optimal control and partial differential equations

Study of stationary equilibria in a Kuramoto Mean Field Game

speaker: Marco Cirant (Università degli Studi di Padova)

abstract: In a recent work, R. Carmona, Q. Cormier and M. Soner proposed a mean field game based on the classical Kuramoto model, originally motivated by systems of chemical and biological oscillators. Such MFG model exhibits several stationary equilibria, and the question of their ability to capture long time limits of dynamic equilibria is largely open. In this talk we will show that, up to translations, there are two possible stationary equilibria only - the incoherent and the synchronised one - provided that the interaction parameter is large enough. We will then comment on their stability properties. Based on a joint work with A. Cesaroni.

Wed 10 May, 11:30 - 12:00, Aula Dini
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