CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Seminari di Sistemi Dinamici 2023

Shrinking-Target Problems and the Injectivity Radius Function

speaker: Reynold Fregoli (University of Zurich)

abstract: In this talk, I will discuss a shrinking target problem in the space of uni-modular lattices, with target located at infinity and shrinking neighbourhoods determined by the injectivity radius function. This problem is connected to a large body of work on the metric theory of shrinking targets in homogeneous spaces, with numerous applications to number theory.

I will start by recalling the background and explain how this particular problem fits into the bigger picture. I will then give a quick insight into the techniques used to approach this specific problem, which are mainly based on equidistribution results for regular one-parameter diagonal flows. This is part of a joint work with Cheng Zheng.

Wed 19 Apr, 16:00 - 17:30, Sala Conferenze Centro De Giorgi
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