CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Sub-riemannian geometry and beyond, III

Bounds for the spectral projections of the Heisenberg subLaplacian

speaker: Paolo Ciatti (Università di Padova)

abstract: The talk will concern the boundedness of the generalized spectral projections $P\lambda$ associated to the subLaplacian in the Heisenberg group thought of as operators from $L1t Lpz$ to $L\intyt Lqz$. We will formulate a conjecture concerning the range of exponents $p,q$ for which the projections $P\lambda$ are bounded on the $(2n+1)$-dimensional Heisenberg group and provide some motivations. In particular we will discuss the recent proof of the bounds on the three dimensional Heisenberg group. This work was done in collaboration with Valentina Casarino.

Fri 23 Jun, 10:30 - 11:30, Aula Dini
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