CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Geometry and analysis of groups and manifolds

Property (T) and a-T-menability for Banach spaces

speaker: Cornelia Drutu (University of Oxford)

abstract: This talk will discuss various versions of fixed point properties, generalizing property (T), and of proper actions on Banach spaces, generalizing a-T-menability. In particular, I will describe a notion of spectrum providing an optimal way to measure ``the strength'' of the property (T) that an infinite group may have, and what can be said about this spectrum, in particular for hyperbolic groups. I will also describe weak versions of a-T-menability for (acylindrically) hyperbolic groups and for mapping class groups. This is on joint work with Ashot Minasyan and Mikael de la Salle, and with John Mackay.

Mon 26 Jun, 10:30 - 11:30, Aula Dini
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