CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Modeling, analysis, and control of multi-agent systems across scales

Optimal Control of Scalar Conservation Laws via Deterministic Particle Approximations

speaker: Oliver Tse (Eindhoven University of Technology)

abstract: In this talk, I will discuss recent developments in solving end-time optimal control problems for scalar conservation laws in Wasserstein space using deterministic particle approximations (DPAs). We show that DPAs provide an alternative approach to prove stability estimates in Wasserstein space w.r.t. to initial data and can be used as a convenient tool to numerically solve the optimal control problem, which is justified by a Gamma-convergence result. Finally, I will bring to light the difficulties encountered when trying to derive optimality conditions for the continuous problem in the large particle limit.

Wed 24 Jan, 11:10 - 12:00, Aula Dini
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