CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Parameter spaces in complex dynamics and related topics

Grand orbit relations in wandering domains

speaker: Leticia Pardo-Simon (Universitat de Barcelona)

abstract: The Teichmüller space of quasiconformal deformations of an entire map f can be decomposed into smaller subspaces. Such partition depends, in particular, on whether for each point z in its Fatou set, its grand orbit- that is, the set of w such that fn(z) = fm(w) for some naturals n, m- is a discrete or indiscrete subset of the plane. We provide criteria to conclude when the grand orbit equivalence relation is discrete in a completely invariant subset of the Fatou set and show that, unlike for periodic Fatou components, discrete and indiscrete grand orbit relations may coexist in a wandering domain. This is based on joint work with V. Evdoridou, N. Fagella and L. Geyer.

Mon 27 May, 16:00 - 16:40, Aula Dini
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