CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Parameter spaces in complex dynamics and related topics

Bounded geometry for PCF points in Md

speaker: Laura De Marco (Harvard University)

abstract: The geometry of the postcritically finite (or PCF) locus in moduli spaces Md (of maps on P1 with degree d) is constrained by their number-theoretic properties. In joint work with Myrto Mavraki and Hexi Ye, we provide uniform bounds on configurations of PCF points in families of subvarieties in Md. As an example consequence, we deduce that the irreducible components of the Pern(0) curves in M2 (which are conjectured by Milnor to be irreducible) have degrees growing to infinity with n.

Mon 27 May, 9:00 - 9:50, Aula Dini
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