CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Parameter spaces in complex dynamics and related topics

Global Combinatorics for Pern(0) Curves

speaker: Caroline Davis (Indiana University)

abstract: The moduli space of quadratic rational maps with a critically marked $n$-cycle is an algebraic curve called Pern(0). A longstanding open conjecture in rational dynamics asks whether this curve is irreducible, which is equivalent to Pern(0) being smooth and connected. Epstein showed Pern(0) is smooth, so to resolve the conjecture it suffices to show that Pern(0) is connected. In this talk we use the dynamics of quadratic polynomials' Hubbard trees to answer when two polynomials in Pern(0) are close in the sense of having shared matings or captures. One upshot is we show Pern(0) is connected in a certain combinatorial category.

Tue 28 May, 16:45 - 17:25, Aula Dini
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