CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Women in Dynamical Systems & Ergodic Theory

Interval translation mappings: mysterious relatives of interval exchange transformations (TALK ONLINE)

speaker: Sasha Skripchenko (HSE University)

abstract: Interval translation mappings (ITMs) were introduced by M. Boshernitzan and I. Kornfeld in 90s as a natural generalisation of interval exchange transformations (IETs). As in case of IETs, we deal with the piecewise continuous map defined on the interval, on each interval of continuity the map is a shift. However, the images of different intervals in case of ITMs can overlap. In my talk I will discuss different approaches to study dynamical properties of ITMs, from complexity to ergodicity and weak mixing. The talk is partly based on joint works with M. Artigiani, P. Hubert and Ch. Fougeron.

Tue 21 May, 14:00 - 15:00, Aula Dini
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