CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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LiT II: Lost in Topology

Simplicial volume and complete affine manifolds

speaker: Marco Moraschini (Università di Bologna)

abstract: The topology of affine manifolds is still poorly understood despite a number of classical conjectures: Chern conjecture predicts that all closed affine manifolds have vanishing Euler characteristic, whereas Auslander conjecture predicts that the fundamental group of complete affine manifolds is virtually solvable. In this talk we will discuss the relations of these classical conjectures with a question posed independently by Lück and Bucher—Connell—Lafont on the vanishing of the simplicial volume of aspherical affine manifolds. In particular, we will show a vanishing result for the simplicial volume of certain complete affine manifolds that answers a question by Lück in this setting. This is a joint work with Alberto Casali.

Fri 20 Sep, 10:00 - 11:00, Aula Dini
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