CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Combinatorial Algebraic Topology and Applications II

Equivariant homotopy type of Vietoris-Rips metric thickenings of a circle

speaker: Evgeniya (CONTRIBUTED TALK) Lagoda

abstract: Vietoris-Rips complex, VR(X,r), at a scale r>0 of a sample of points X of a metric space M is a standard tool to approximate the homotopy type of M. Understanding Vietoris-Rips complexes of spheres contributes to the foundational understanding of patterns occurring when applying persistent homology techniques to data analysis. Vietoris-Rips metric thickening VRm(X,r) is a metric space version of VR(X,r) that, in addition to being homotopy equivalent to M (under some conditions), possesses a natural choice of metric (a property that VR(X,r) lacks). In 1, the authors describe the homotopy type of the Vietoris-Rips metric thickenings of a circle, VRm(S1, r), without considering the circle group's natural action. The space VRm(S1, r) inherits the circle group action from the action of the circle on itself. In this talk, we describe the equivariant homotopy type of VRm(S1, r) and pose some related questions. This is a joint work with Henry Adams, Michael Moy, Nikola Sadovek, and Aditya De Saha. 1 Michael Moy. Vietoris–Rips metric thickenings of the circle. Journal of Applied and Computational Topology, 7(4):831–877, Jul 2023

Thu 3 Oct, 16:00 - 16:35, Aula Dini
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