CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Stochastic Analysis, Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and Applications to Fluid Dynamics and Particle Systems

Malliavin Calculus of Bismut type without probability and its application

speaker: Remi Leandre (Institut de Mathematiques. Universite de Bourgogne. 21000. Dijon. France)

abstract: In a first part, we translate Bismut way of Malliavin Calculus in semi-group theory in order to state an hypoellipticity results for diffusion semi-groups. In the second part, we translate our probabilistic proofs of Varadhan estimates, lower bound, in semi-group theory, by using translation of Malliavin Calculus of Bismut type in semi-group theory.

Thu 6 Apr, 9:50 - 10:30, Aula Dini
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