CRM: Centro De Giorgi

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Solid State Quantum Information

3 December 2008 - 6 December 2008


In the last years quantum information has been central in the research activities of many scientists coming from various different areas of physics, mathematics and computer science. The quest for large scale integrability has stimulated an increasing interest in the area of solid state physics. This workshop aims at bringing together leading experts to discuss the latest developments.

The list of invited speakers include:

A. Badolato (ETH - Zurich), S. Das Sarma (Maryland), P. Delsing (Chalmers), J. Finley (TU Munich), C. Glattli (CEA - Saclay), L. Ioffe (Rutgers), J. Koch (Yale), D. Loss (Basel), M.D. Lukin (Harvard), C. Marcus (Harvard), K. Nowack (TU Delft), J. Schmiedmayer (Wien), K. Semba (NTT, Atsugi), A. Shields (Cambridge), A. Shnirman (Karlsruhe), J.Taylor (MIT), A.Ustinov (Erlangen), A. Wallraff (ETH Zurich)

To be confirmed

The program will be completed with talks selected from the registered participants.