For all information about this workshop:
List of invited speakers (tentative)
S. Bose (University College, London) H. Briegel (University of Innsbruck) P. Calabrese (University of Pisa) J. Eisert (University of Potsdam) T. Giamarchi (University of Geneve) M. Hartmann (Munich) M. B. Plenio (Imperial College, London) U. Schollwoeck (RWTH, Aachen) G. Santoro (SISSA, Trieste) S. Sorella (SISSA, Trieste) S. Trebst (Station Q) V. Vedral (University of Leeds & Singapore) F. Verstraete (University of Vienna) L. Viola (Dartmouth College) M. Wolf (Copenhagen University) W. Zurek (Los Alamos Natl. Lab.)