CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Euclidean Harmonic Analysis, Nilpotent Lie Groups and PDEs

1 March 2010 - 30 April 2010


Activities will be focused on recent developments in the areas of Fourier analysis in Rn (including combinatorial methods) and analysis of differential and convolution operators on Lie groups, together with their interactions with Riemannian and sub-Riemannian geometries and their applications to PDE, notably to dispersive estimates, geometric inequalities and uncertainty inequalities. Emphasis will be placed on encouraging interactions between these fields. A regular seminar will provide an exchange of information and a stimulus for mathematical discussions. The program will aim to promote frequent interactions between the participants, but also allow the development of research by both individuals and groups.

Participants are free to choose to stay at the De Giorgi Center for periods ranging from one week to two months. The staff of the Center will assist in finding lodging. The cafeteria of Scuola Normale will be open and offer moderately priced lunches and dinners, 7 days a week, except for the Easter break from April 2nd to 6th.

All interested persons are invited to contact the Secretary of the De Giorgi Center to communicate the period(s) for which they would like to participate, and what financial support they will require. We will endeavour to contribute to local expenses, compatibly with the funds available. In general, we do not expect to be able to contribute to travel expenses. Some of the funds will be used to support the participation of younger mathematicians with a recent doctoral degree.

A list of people who have announced their participation (in parentheses the expected period of presence, when available) can be read on this page