CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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WorkGroup on Mean Curvature Flow

6 July 2009 - 17 July 2009

This event is part of an intensive research period:
Geometric Flows and Geometric Operators.


Our aim is to organize an introductory but quite complete course on the results and techniques in the ``classical'' approach to mean curvature flow of hypersurfaces (the works of Ecker, Huisken, Hamilton, etc). Possibly, we will try to cover in a self-contained way the analysis from the small time existence theorem to the asymptotic behavior at the first singular time.

A list of people collaborating to the workgroup will include Roberta Alessandroni, Charles Baker, Giovanni Bellettini, Giovanni Catino, Zindine Djadli, Annibale Magni, Carlo Mantegazza, Lorenzo Mazzieri, Reto Müller, Matteo Novaga.

For the timetable and related documents, see at the main page of the trimester.

Some photos by Leili Shahriyari. Other photos can be found in the Documents section.