CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Stability of Solitary Waves (Workshop)

Partially supported by Contract FIRB "Dinamiche Dispersive: Analisi di Fourier e Metodi Variazionali.", 2012, NSF Contract No. 1419217, Università di Pisa and Comenius project "Dynamat"

26 May 2014 - 30 May 2014


Objectives To provide an up-to-date intensive exchange of results and methods treating the stability of solitary waves for Schrodinger and wave type equations as well as other dispersive properties . The equations and models of this type have important applications in different fields: quantum mechanics, biology, medicine. The main goal of the workshop is to meet specialists from Europe, USA, China and Japan studying the asymptotic behavior (stability and instability, dispersive phenomena) of the solitary and travelling wave and to establish a plan to solve some of the open problems in the field.

Some funds are available to offer financial support to a limited number of selected students (up to 20 in shared double rooms) and young researchers (post-docs in studios for two persons). Please note that the deadline for application has been postponed to 11 April 2014.