Non Markovian Quantum Dynamics
(Il Palazzone, Cortona)
24 August 2015 - 28 August 2015
The Non Markovian Quantum Dynamics conference aims to represent an alternative to the traditional science workshop format. Whilst still including the more traditional features of a conference, NMQD15 will also explore new ways of discussing the physics of open quantum systems and their non markovian dynamics.
Participation is by invitation only.
To get in touch with the organizers or to request more information about the conference, please email to
The workshop is sponsored by the Centro di Ricerca matematica Ennio De Giorgi, the University of Turku and the University of Milan.
To view the program please link to "Timetable" and to the "Documents" section.
Full information can be retrieved here.
Confirmed participants:
- Carole Addis
- Gerardo Adesso
- Francesco Albarelli
- Claudia Benedetti
- Matteo Bina
- Massimo Borrelli
- Heinz-Peter Breuer
- Daniel Burgarth
- Francesco Buscemi
- Francesco Ciccarello
- Dariusz Chruschinski
- Francesco Cosco
- Giacomo De Palma
- Jens Eisert
- Alessandro Ferraro
- Marco Genoni
- Gianluca Giorgi
- Vittorio Giovannetti
- John Goold
- Giacomo Guarnieri
- Antti Karlsson
- Goktug Karpat
- Elsi Laine
- Rosario Lo Franco
- Kimmo Luoma
- Chiara Macchiavello
- Antonio Mandarino
- Sabrina Maniscalco
- Andrea Mari
- Giovanna Morigi
- Johannes Nokkala
- Massimo Palma
- Matteo Paris
- Mauro Paternostro
- Jyrki Piilo
- Francesco Plastina
- Matteo Rosati
- Matteo Rossi
- Fabio Sciarrino
- Andrea Smirne
- Walter Strunz
- Jacopo Trapani
- Tommaso Tufarelli
- Mikko Tukiainen
- Bassano Vacchini
- Paola Verrucchi