CRM: Centro De Giorgi

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From order to chaos - Pisa 2018

Funded by the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement N°647133) and partially supported by GNAMPA-INdAM and the University of Pisa.

9 April 2018 - 13 April 2018


VIDEO: a playlist of the talks is available on Youtube.

The transition from order to chaos has been a central theme of investigation in dynamical systems in the last two decades. Structures that exhibit a mix of deterministic and chaotic properties, for example, quasi-crystals, naturally arise in problems of geometry and mathematical physics. Despite intense study, key questions about these structures remain wide open.

The conference will focus primarily about questions related to transtion from order to chaos in the area of parabolic dynamics. Examples of such are systems of geometric origin like interval exchange maps, translation and Hamiltonian ows on surfaces of higher genus, symbolic substitution systems important in the study of quasi-crystals as well as dynamical systems arising in asymptotic combinatorics and mathematical physics.

This workshop would follow others, devoted to similar topics, organised in the past at the Centro Ennio de Giorgi. In particular, we recall the workshops: 
- Analytical Methods in Classical and Quantum Dynamical Systems;
27 June 2016 - 1 July 2016. 
- Continued Fractions, Interval Exchanges and Applications to Geometry;
11 June 2013 - 14 June 2013.

Limited funding is available for young participants (PhD students and post-doc's) meant to cover board and lodging only.
Please link to to apply.

The deadline for application is: 31/01/2018

Selected participants will be requested to present a poster. Applicants should therefore submit also the title and abstract for a poster proposal.

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