CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Geometric Methods on Singular Spaces versus Microlocal Analysis

1 November 2018 - 4 November 2018


In recent years the interest in Microlocal Analysis, in particular related to the study of partial differential equations, has been growing up. The aim of the workshop is to bring together experts working on different sides of Microlocal Analysis. More precisely, the subjects treated will be h-pseudodifferential calculus, in particular Analysis on fractal curves, the study of Laplacian of a continuous function on a fractal domain, the problem of Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for holonomic D-modules which are not necessarily regular, the non- commutative residue for metaplectic operators, the local solvability question for a class of degenerate second order operators, the notion of Lagrangian distribution on a scattering manifold X.