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Population Dynamics and Statistical Physics in Synergy II

Funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) through the Priority Programme `Probabilistic Structures in Evolution' (SPP 1590)

1 April 2019 - 3 April 2019


The purpose of the meeting is to contribute to the interface between biomathematics and statistical physics. More precisely, we aim at highlighting the use of concepts and methods from probability theory and statistical physics in the context of models of population dynamics and population genetics; this is currently an active research area.

Its speci c appeal lies in the fact that, on the one hand, a new toolbox becomes available for use with biological models; on the other hand, techniques and results from probability theory and statistical physics attain a new meaning in the biological context.

These connections can be quite unexpected and surprising, and there is still a lot of ground to explore.

A preliminary list of topics is:

Invited speakers:

The proposed meeting will be part of the activities of the Priority Programme `Probabilistic Structures in Evolution' (SPP 1590), a research consortium funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG); in particular, the funding for the workshop will be provided by the Priority Programme. For information about SPP 1590, see

The meeting will partly follow up on the workshop Population dynamics and statistical physics in synergy organised by Cristian Giardina (Modena), Andreas Greven (Erlangen), and Frank den Hollander (Leiden) at EURANDOM (Eindhoven) in 2014, also in the framework of SPP 1590.

Participation in the meeting is free, but registration is required.
The deadline for registration is 11th January 2019.

Research Directions

The workshop will last three full days, namely from 9:00 am to 6:00 pm, on April 1st thorugh 3rd.
The timetable will be up-dated as soon as the schedule will be available.