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Another Pisan workshop in Geometric Analysis

Partially supported by: Department of Mathematics of the University of Pisa

14 September 2022 - 15 September 2022


This workshop is the second edition of “A Pisan Workshop in Geometric Analysis” and it will gather young and active researchers in Geometric Analysis. It aims at giving an overview of the present research on various aspects of this beautiful subject, with some special attention to the mathematical background and to the motivations. Early stage researchers are particularly encouraged to take part in this two-day, as there will also be various moments for questions and discussions.

The workshop will take place in hybrid mode, with a maximum of 80 persons in presence. Upon reaching this maximum limit, registration will close automatically. In the event of impediments due to new covid-19 pandemic measures, the workshop will run completely from remote on the same dates.

Online participation requires registration as well. If you plan on attending online, send an email to the address:

VIDEO: a playlist of the talks is available on Youtube.