CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Probabilistic methods in dynamics

29 May 2023 - 1 June 2023


Many physical systems have been studied in the last decades using the geometric theory of dynamical systems. However, the more recent interplay between Probability Theory and Dynamical Systems has been more successful in developing analytical tools to give a good description of such physical phenomena. This will be a broad meeting, covering most active topics and attracting many of the very best researchers in the field. We expect plenty of interesting new developments to be presented at the conference. The event will focus on the following lines of research:
1) non-uniform hyperbolicity
2) partially hyperbolic dynamical systems
3) chaotic flows (including billiards, geodesic flows, and Lorenz attractors)
4) classical and functional limit theorems
5) non-autonomous and random dynamical systems
6) mixing for infinite measure preserving systems
7) dynamical systems with symmetries
8) clustering and extreme value theory

VIDEO: a playlist of the talks is available on Youtube.

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