CRM: Centro De Giorgi
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Combinatorial Algebraic Topology and Applications

27 November 2023 - 28 November 2023


Directed graphs and simplicial complexes are ubiquitous objects in Mathematics and Science in general. Due to their simplicity and flexibility they find application in a wide range of fields: Physics, Computer Sciences, Biology, Neuroscience, Medicine, etc., encompassing and embracing most scientific domains. Extracting topological and combinatorial information is, therefore, not only interesting, but also particularly important from different perspectives. The workshop “Combinatorial algebraic topology and applications” concerns various topics in combinatorics and algebraic topology, as well as their applications to different fields, eg. data analysis, neural sciences and economics. Limited funding might be available to early registered participants.
If needed, please contact Luigi Caputi ( or Carlo Collari ( The workshop also includes a poster session.
Those interested in presenting a poster, should send an email to, including title and abstract, for the evaluation by the Scientific Committee.

VIDEO: a playlist of the talks is available on Youtube.

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