The Directors have together organized and led numerous Advanced Workshops relating to various aspects of many-body theory at the Abdus Salam Centre for Theoretical Physics in Trieste, Italy. Two areas have been selected from the above rapidly moving field, where the organizers are confident that the timing will be right for important advances. These areas are:
(A) Superfluid turbulence and vortex entanglement (B) Inhomogeneous superconductivity
Four speakers in area (A) and three in area (B) will be invited to give a minimum of three lectures each, from Mathematics andor Theoretical Physics Departments in Europe, Scandinavia and USA. Seven further theorists or mathematicians (group C) will be invited who are already major contributors to the general field embraced in the Workshop. These invited participants will be offered the possibility of giving 2 lectures each. In addition, it is hoped that young research scientists, from SNS and the University of Pisa, and from other Italian Universities, will participate in the Workshop.